Mount Union Borough is served by a Borough Council consisting of nine (9) persons. All Borough Council Members are elected by wards in odd-numbered years to staggered four-year terms of office. Each ward is represented by three (3) Borough Council Members. Borough Council serves as the legislative body or branch of Borough Government and sets all major policies that are acted upon by the Borough Manager/Secretary-Treasurer and that are carried out by Borough Staff. Borough Council reorganizes every two years (in even-numbered years) and elects the following officers from among its members: President, Vice President, and President Pro Tempore.
It retains and appoints the Borough Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, the Borough Solicitor, and the Borough Engineer, all of whom serve at the pleasure of Borough Council on an annual basis. It appoints and reappoints members to all Mount Union Borough Authorities, Boards, Commissions, Committees, and other ad-hoc or advisory groups as needed. At a minimum, these panels include the Mount Union Municipal Authority, Mount Union Borough Planning Commission, Mount Union Borough Zoning Hearing Board, and Mount Union Borough Local Civil Service Commission.
The current Borough Council Members and their contact information, the length of their terms of office, and their wards of representation are listed in the chart below.
Mount Union Borough is served by a Mayor who is elected to a four-year term. In addition to supervising the Police Department, the primary duties of the Mayor are to attend Borough Council meetings and vote only to break ties; close Borough streets by proclamation; sign all Borough resolutions and ordinances. Mount Union Borough's current Mayor is as follows:
Mr. Timothy Allison
28 West Market Street - Mount Union Police Department
Mount Union, PA 17066
(814) 542-5401 - Mayor's Office