Downloald Application Here
The Borough of Mount Union is building a civil service eligibility list and accepting applications for Full and Part-Time Police Officers. Requirements include: United States citizenship, valid Pennsylvania driver’s license, at least 21 years of age, high school diploma or equivalent, meets the qualification requirements of Title 37 § 203 Subchapter B, an eligibility letter with a passing qualification from a PA Municipal Police Academy or Act 120 certification. Applicant must be available and able to work all shifts and all days.
Applications may be obtained at the Municipal Building, 9 W. Market ST, Mount Union, PA between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. Qualified individuals must submit cover letter, completed Borough employment application, background investigation waiver, resume, transcript(s), three professional/personal references, copy of driver’s license, and proof of any specialized education, training, certificates, and qualifications (copy of MPOETC card for active officers, or a passing transcript from a PA Municipal Police Academy.) Applications must be delivered in person or mailed to:
Mount Union Borough
ATTN: Civil Service
9 W. Market Street
Mount Union, PA 17066
Applicants must pass a complete background investigation, a written civil service examination and an oral interview series prior to hiring. Veteran’s preference scoring of up to 10 additional points is possible on the written examination. Competitive hourly wage and excellent benefits package is offered (current starting rate is $35,000.00 per year with family benefits.) Information on the Borough of Mount Union and the Police Department may be obtained by visiting the Borough Office and on our websites: www.mountunionpa.net and www.facebook.com/mountunionpd.
Applications will be accepted until 4 p.m., Friday, April 12, 2019. The Civil Service Written Test will be held at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 20, 2019 at the Borough Office, 9 W. Market Street. A check or money order for $35 must accompany the application to cover the cost of the Civil Service Testing.
Mount Union Borough is an Equal Opportunity Employer.